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4 Ways To Overcome Any Tragedy

Tragedy can take many forms. It can be global, like the COVID-19 pandemic. It can also be personal, like the loss of a loved one. Overcoming tragedy can be difficult, but you can do it with the help of a public speaker who is knowledgeable in these matters. A public speaker on tragedy can eloquently elaborate on the following topics:

1. Limit the information you consume.

The internet makes it easy to access any information you desire. It's easy to watch news reports from all over the globe with the touch of a button. However, this hyperconnectivity can have some drawbacks. Watching too many news shows can worsen feelings of despair. In the aftermath of a tragedy, consider limiting the information you consume. Focusing on things you can control is often more soothing than fixating on large problems that you cannot influence.

2. Focus on the positive things in your life.

Gratitude is an excellent balm for despair. If you feel overwhelmed by tragedy, beginning a daily gratitude practice can help. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on the positive things in your life. If you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for, you may want to ask others for suggestions. There is no positive quality too small to count. You may be grateful for your health or your family. You can even be grateful for your pets or your favorite food. Focusing on positive things can make negative things seem less overwhelming.

3. Choose uplifting media.

The media you consume has an effect on your mental and emotional well-being. Some people enjoy gory media that places emphasis on sadness and death. While there's nothing wrong with these themes, they may be difficult to bear in the aftermath of a tragedy. Sad television shows and movies may worsen your mood while you're already struggling. You may find more relief by choosing uplifting media. Look for movies and TV shows that focus on heroes overcoming adversity. Many forms of media depict uplifting themes that celebrate human strength and ingenuity.

4. Be proactive in seeking counseling.

The importance of counseling cannot be overstated. Grief counselors are trained to assist people who have recently experienced tragedy. Some people are resistant to seeking counseling. You may feel like you're not upset enough to see a counselor. You may even feel like seeing a counselor means admitting weakness.

However, there's nothing weak about seeing a therapist. A grief counselor can meet you where you're at in the healing process. Be proactive about seeking counseling in order to maintain your mental health during troubling times.